Pseudopod 361: The Murmurous Paleoscope
I narrated another story for Pseudopod, and now it’s live!
“The Murmurous Paleoscope” was originally published in THE THREE-LOBED BURNING EYE and can be read there. The story accurately reflects a few elements of 19th century fossil hunting culture: the importance of shales; the early women fossil hunters (including Mary Anning, for whom the Lens in the story is named); and the fossil “Bone Wars” of Othniel Marsh and Edward Cope, which really did get violent and excessively paranoid.
DIXON CHANCE is the “just for the joy of it” pseudonym of David Ellis Dickerson, a regular contributor to “This American Life” and other public radio shows, and the author of the memoir HOUSE OF CARDS (Riverhead 2009) about my career as a writer at Hallmark. My work has appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, The Gettysburg Review, and Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror.
This story was an enormous amount of fun. You should listen, and then donate to support the great work that Escape Artists do in Pseudopod, Escape Pod and Podcastle!
And I must say that I was utterly DELIGHTED by the way I am introduced as the narrator by Alasdair Stuart, the host:
“High Queen of Awesome and close friend of Nina Kimberly the Merciless. Evil space creatures cringe at her tread.”
Beyond the Wall S3E9
Originally posted here. (Check the link for all the images we refer to in the show!)
Podcast notes from PG…
Here is the audio from the Episode 9 Hangout back in early June. Yep, June.
We had internet connectivity issues that night (mostly my end). As a result I dreaded working on this. And I had summer stuff with the kids. Yeah yeah, I know.
Anyways, my bad. The next episode will be free. I promise.
Oh yeah… this is also the longest episode ever. And that’s without bloopers and show audio (this is the straight talk only).
And you can also watch the video on youtube!
Guest Appearance: Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things #62
Welcome to a new episode of “Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things.”
We’re still recapping the end of season #3 of Game of Thrones!
“She’s Always A Woman To Me“
As the song title implies, my guests and I will be discussing the multi-faceted “ladies” of the story.
Christiana Ellis and Tracee join me for an epic discussion of these fascinating female characters!
In some ways, these more “traditional” ladies are more difficult to talk about and more challenging in general.
But it’s that very challenge that makes them both great characters and “trope-busting” trail-blazers.
On the docket today:
1. How these women are, in a way, are even more interesting than their female warrior counterparts
2. How do solve a problem like….Catelyn Stark?
3. The clever servant
4. Those wily Tyrell women!
5. These two gals really work hard for the money!
6. The new mother
7. Sansa Stark: Love and learning curves
8. Melisandre: A Femme Fatale with a twist
9. Cersei Lannister: The woman hating feminist!
These women defy convention and have rewritten what a woman can be in genre fiction.
They are strong, sexual, complicated and every inch a woman.
They also have the power to alter the very course of the story….
For that reason alone, they are awesome!
Guest Appearance: Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things #59
Ken Lopez was kind enough to invite me onto his Game of Thrones podcast!
Welcome to a brand new episode of “Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things.”
“Suffragette City“
Today we carry on with a month-long season #3 wrap up by talking about some of the ladies of Game of Thrones.
The great Matt Murdick, from “Podcast Winterfell,” and Christiana from the “Beyond the Wall” podcast join me to talk about the female warriors of the story.
These women are tough. They fight and buck the system. They’re fierce…..but are still women to the core.
On the docket today:
1. The Wolf-Girl
2. The Mother of Dragons….who’s also a scared, idealistic little girl.
3. The remarkable evolution of Osha the Wildling.
4. Daughter of Salt and Stone
5. A Wildling in Love
6. A revolutionary Concept: The truly feminine knight
We’ve had bad-ass female characters as focal points in the last 20 years: Clarice Starling, Dana Scully and Buffy…..but in this story, we’re treated to at least 7!
These women are strong, physical, and ruled just as much by their hearts as their heads.
Complicated and endlessly fascinating.
Long may these women reign!
Escape Pod 398: Subversion by Elisabeth R. Adams
Originally posted at the Escape Pod podcast!
by Elisabeth R. Adams
Read by Christiana Ellis
Beyond the Wall Season 2 Feedback Show!
Late? It’s not late! We were saving it up for when everybody would be jonesing for Season 3!
Originally posted at SpecFic Media!
Reminder… this show is NOT safe for work… just like Game of Thrones.
Six months ago a group of intrepid podcasters recorded a Season 2 Review and feedback podcast. Would you believe I was in a coma for awhile? Went to space for a month or three? Yeah, yeah, things just got away from me. But here it is. We hope you enjoy it!
P.G. moderates the mammoth two hours of yapping.
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, and bassist of Ditched By Kate)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host), Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list herebut you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
Comments: On the site
Pseudopod 316 – The Persistence of Memory
Original Post:
“The Persistence of Memory” by William Meikle.
“The Persistence of Memory” originally appeared in the collection DARK MELODIES (Dark Regions Press 2012). “Think of happy popular piano players/singers – Russ Conway, Liberace, Fats Waller, Fats Domino. And think of what’s behind the smiles.”.
William Meikle is a Scottish writer with fifteen novels published in the genre press and over 250 short story credits in thirteen countries. His work appears in many professional magazines and anthologies and he has recent short story sales to Nature Futures,Penumbra and Daily Science Fiction among others. He now lives in a remote corner of Newfoundland with icebergs, whales and bald eagles for company. In the winters he gets warm vicariously through the lives of others in cyberspace, so please check him out atWilliam His Dark Regions Press collection DARK MELODIES (2012) is available now in hardcover and paperback – check it out here.
Your reader this week – Christiana Ellis – was last heard here reading PSEUDOPOD 268: Let There Be Darkness.
Beyond the Wall – Season 2, Episode 10
Originally posted at!
P.G. moderates the mammoth discussion. Fisticuffs abound… well, maybe not. But it did get a bit heated near the end! We hope you enjoy it!
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, and bassist of Ditched By Kate)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host), Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list herebut you can check out all things Christiana at her site).
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
Comments: On the site
Escape Pod #352 – Food for Thought
Originally posted at!
By Laura Lee McArdle
Read by Christiana Ellis
Discuss on our forums.
An Escape Pod Original!
All stories by Laura Lee McArdle
All stories read by Christiana Ellis
Rated 15 and up for explicit language
Food for Thought
By Laura Lee McArdle
Beyond the Wall Episode 6
Originally posted at!
Reminder… this show is NOT safe for work… just like Game of Thrones.
We still haven’t recorded our feedback show. Use the contact info below to leave us a message, question, or comment for the feedback show!
EPISODE 6 – The Old Gods and the New
P.G. moderates this week’s panel discussion with Chooch, Vivid Muse, Christiana and Nutty. And it’s a biggun… almost 2 hours of discussion. Enjoy!
P.G. Holyfield (author of Murder at Avedon Hill and SFM Founder
Nuchtchas (Host of Nutty Bites Podcast)
Chooch (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host, and bassist of Ditched By Kate)
Vivid Muse (Into the Blender Podcast Co-Host), Girls’ Rules Podcast Host)
Christiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list herebut you can check out all things Christiana at her site.
Contact Us:
Email: btw at specficmedia dot com
Phone: 6199-BTW-GoT (619-928-9468)
Comments: On the site
Contest for “Ep. 8″ – Fill out the survey here.