“Phyllis Esposito: Interdimensional Private Eye” – Available now!

My novel “Phyllis Esposito: Interdimensional Private Eye” is available for purchase as an eBook or in Print!

"Phyllis Esposito: Interdimensional Private Eye" by Christiana Ellis

People found, mysteries solved… In this universe or the next.

When you need someone found, you hire a detective. When that person is an elf from a parallel dimension, and on the run from killer robots, you hire Phyllis Esposito. Armed with an inquisitive mind and a cybernetic portal generator, Phyllis scours the multiverse, searching for the answers to life’s mysteries.

The ones that pay, anyway.

After taking a simple missing-brother job, she uncovers a massive conspiracy involving dwarven mafiosos, corrupted artificial intelligence, amoral sorceresses, and even U.F.O’s. With the entire multiverse under threat, Phyllis will have to confront enemies both new and old to crack the case.

Phyllis Esposito: Interdimensional Private-Eye is a noir-inspired detective story that explores a multiverse of science-fiction and fantasy, with a steadfast heroine solving mysteries across parallel dimensions, and within herself.

What started as an experiment in daily serialized fiction is now a full-fledged ebook, available for purchase now at Amazon.com!

Check out a free sample of the ebook version here!

Or you can check out the original serial version!

Check out the first installment here!

So Many Levels – Planescape – Turn of Fortune’s Wheel – Session 13

The Skeleton Crew has a murder to solve, and the suspects are real animals!

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So Many Levels – C2 Episode 139 – Countdown

The Pocket Protectors are in a race against time as they infiltrate the Pillarine Base to shut down their Doomsday device.

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So Many Levels – C2 – Episode 138 – Condition Omega

The Pocket Protectors investigate the Pillarines and discover that all is not chill within their fortress.  

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So Many Levels – Planescape – Turn of Fortune’s Wheel Session 12

The Skeleton Crew meets a teenage godling who wants to party but is ready to make their problems into EVERYONE’S problems.

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So Many Levels – C2 – Episode 137 – That Tears It

The shield imprisoning Dinuther has been destroyed, and reality is tearing apart. What next for the Pocket Protectors?

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W100M – Rashomon and The Third Man

Christiana and Mike pull another pair of classics from the Sight & Sound list, Akira Kurosawa’s “Rashomon” (1950), and Carol Reed’s “The Third Man” (1949)

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So Many Levels – Planescape: Turn of Fortune’s Wheel Episode 11

The Skeleton Crew is headed to the gate-town of Sylvania, AKA Party City!

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So Many Levels – Planescape – Turn of Fortune’s Wheel Session 10

The Skeleton Crew compete to be Heroes of the Day in Glorium, and then turn their thoughts to gold.

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So Many Levels – “Little Helpers, Witch is Dead” (One Shot Actual Play)

We play a one-shot of the one-page TTRPG “Little Helpers, Witch is Dead” by Grant Howitt!

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Planescape – Turn of Fortune’s Wheel – Session 09

The Skeleton Crew is headed for the battle-hungry gate-town of Glorium!

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