So Many Levels – Planescape – Turn of Fortune’s Wheel Session 07

The Skeleton Crew receives a list of destinations they must visit, and they decide to start with the charming village of “Curst”.

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Watching 100 Movies – Night of the Hunter and Jeanne Dielman 23, Quai Du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Video)

Christiana and Mike discuss a pair of films from the Sight & Sound Top 100 List

So Many Levels – C2 Episode 85 – Scavengers (Video)

The Pocket Protectors bargain with some deep-sea scavengers.

So Many Levels – Radiant Citadel – Trail of Destruction Part 3 (Video)

The Order of the Golden Prawn confronts the source of Tletepec’s increased volcanic activity!

So Many Levels – C2 Episode 84 – Fighting Over Scraps (Video)

The Patron of the Pocket Protectors shares his chilling tale, and the group discusses how to steal from a foe that can see the future.

Watching 100 Movies – Pick One Verhoeven! (Video)

Robocop, Total Recall and Starship Troopers… Can you pick just one? Christiana and Mike give it a try.

So Many Levels – C2 Episode 83 – Fishing for Answers (Video)

The Pocket Protectors attempt to retrieve the remains of the Hollow Dragon, and plan their next moves.

RC12 – So Many Levels – Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel – Trail of Destruction Pt.2 (Podcast)

The Order of the Golden Prawn investigate the cause of increased volcanic activity.

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So Many Levels – C2 – Episode 81 – Chasing the Dragon (Video)

The dragon flees and the flying castle follows.

C2E79 – So Many Levels – C2 – Episode 79 – Looking for Options (Video)

The Pocket Protectors seek answers from an ancient sorceress, and then make plans for their next steps.

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