Space Casey Season 2 Episode 05

Space Casey Cover Square-1400
Space Casey was Written and Produced by Christiana Ellis
Cast for episode 5 includes:
Billy Flynn as the Defense Attorney
John Cmar as the Judge
Stephen Granade as a Phleboshi Chanter
Alex White as a Phleboshi Chanter
Veronica Giguere as Phleboshi High Priestess
Patrick Dailey as the Phleboshi Acolyte
Clinton Alvord as the Horse Cart Driver and a Phleboshi Chanter
Heading Out and Surf-Blaster from The Vara-Tones
Sound Effects come from the Freesound Project (List of Sounds I’ve Downloaded)

Creative Commons License Space Casey by Christiana Ellis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at