Survivor Samoa Eps 10-11

Christiana and Mike discuss the 11/19 and 11/26 episodes of Survivor Samoa!

Here is the Tie-breaker rules form discussed in the feedback portion of the show. Thanks to MikeK from SoCal for sending this in.

Survivor 1: No rule, they just kept re-voting until Kelly switched her vote to Sue.

Survivor 2 & 3: Added rule regarding previous votes.  That rule was used as a weapon so it was removed.

Surivor 4: The dreaded Purple Rock ended up breaking the tie by ousting someone who did NOT get a vote (Paschal) and allowing Vecepia to win (ugh!).  Jeff has said it was a mistake to use Purple Rock at Final 4 so now they use a “challenge” at the producers discrtion.  That challenge has so far been making Fire (Palau: Bobby John/Stephanie.  Palau: Jen/Ian, Panama: Cirie/Danielle, Cook Islands: Sundra/Becky, Gabon: Bob/Matty)

The rule seems to be if a tie occurs everyone but the tied people re-vote only for the people who are tied (that could be more than 2).  This can be done repetitively but eventually there is a 2 minute period where they discuss in a open forum who should be eliminated.  If they can’t come to an agreement then everyone EXCEPT the tied players AND the player with Immunity has to reach in a bag for a rock.  Definitely a rule to try to make the contestants avoid ties.  No mention of Hidden Immunity Idol.


If there is a tie between Contestants, then a second vote may be conducted in which all non-eliminated Contestants at the Tribal Council (other than the tied Contestants) must vote to eliminate one of such tied Contestant. This voting process may continue until one and only one Contestant is chosen for elimination. If, however, there is a deadlock in the voting as determined by the Producer in its sole discretion, then the following shall occur: (a) the Contestants who are tied with the same number of votes for elimination are separated from the other Contestants; and number of votes for elimination are separated from the other Contestants; and (b) the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants at the Tribal Council have two minutes to discuss and decide, in an open forum, which of the tied Contestants should be eliminated. If a decision is reached by the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants, the Contestant whom they have chosen for elimination is eliminated. On the other hand, if, after the two minute discussion, the remaining non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants have not reached a decision as to which one of the tied Contestants should be eliminated, the following shall occur (subject to the clarification set forth below): the tied Contestants are now deemed to be immune from elimination at this Tribal Council, and the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants (with the sole exclusion of any remaining, non-tied, Contestant who has previously been granted immunity for this Tribal Council as a result of winning a Challenge) must choose a rock from a bag without looking inside of the bag. The Contestant who selects the differently colored rock is eliminated. In addition, and for purposes of clarification, if three or more Contestants are tied for elimination, and the voting Contestants are deadlocked, and the tied Contestants are separated from the remaining non-tied Contestants, and the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants decide during their initial two minute discussion that one or more of the tied Contestants should not be eliminated and yet, nevertheless, two or more Contestants remain tied, then the Contestant who was, or the Contestants who were, part of the tie, but who is or are no longer part of the tie, shall join the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied Contestants for an additional two minute discussion regarding which of the Contestants who are still tied for elimination should be eliminated. (If this second two minute discussion results in a decision to not eliminate another one or more still-tied Contestants, and if nevertheless two or more Contestants remain tied for elimination, then a third two minute discussion shall be held among the remaining non-tied Contestants and all of the Contestants who have been removed from the tied group of Contestants. This process shall continue, and Contestants shall be removed from the tied group, and further two-minute discussions shall be held until the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants either (a) are deadlocked regarding all of the now-tied Contestants, or (b) choose one Contestant for elimination.) If two or more two-minute discussions as described above do not determine which one of the tied Contestants should be eliminated, then the rock-picking ceremony shall be held as set forth above, and any Contestants who were tied for elimination and who were subsequently brought back into the voting group as a result of a two minute discussion shall be required to participate in the rock-picking ceremony along with all of the other remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants without immunity. However, the rock-picking tie breaker shall not apply to a tie that exists among the final four Contestants. In the event that a deadlock tie exists among the final four Contestants, the two Contestants who are tied shall compete against each other in a challenge to be decided in the sole discretion of the Producer. The Contestant who loses this competition shall be eliminated from further participation in the Series as a Contestant.

One Comment

  • Desmond says:

    “…and the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants (with the sole exclusion of any remaining, non-tied, Contestant who has previously been granted immunity for this Tribal Council as a result of winning a Challenge)”

    Can the HII be played to avoid drawing rocks? If so, can the HII be played after the first tied vote is read?