Stufflet 06Feb13
In this stufflet, I talk about the comic books I bought this week.
Here’s the list.
All-New X-Men #7
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake #1 and 2
Swamp Thing #17
Animal Man #17
New Avengers #3
Dial H #9
Avengers #5
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #3
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20
Think Tank #5
Daredevil: End of Days #5
Fearless Defenders #1
Multiple Warheads: Alphabet to Infinity #4
Superior Spider-Man #3
Young Romance: The New 52
And here’s that list of videogames I mention as well.
The Cave
Far Cry 3
The Binding of Isaac
Ni No Kuni
Persona 4 Golden
Fire Emblem Awakening
Sim City
Pixel People
Sly Cooper
Are you reading “Hawkeye?” I think you’d like it.
Hugh O’Donnell liked this on Facebook.
Yes! “Hawkguy” has become a fast favorite. I’d never really been a fan of the character, but it just goes to show that in the hands of the right writer and artist, any character can be something special.