Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-12
- I think x-men first class is the best of all the x-men movies so far. Really enjoyed it. #
- @pcharing I didn't think X3 was that bad, certainly not as bad as it sometimes gets slammed for, but that one was definitely Coach Class. #
- @pcharing Agreed 100%. Very glad it wasn't spoiled for me. #
- @mightymur I passed on your message yesterday and she said: "Yeah, yeah, sometime this week." I told her: "It takes less than 30 seconds." #
- Wonderful praising email from person I know, love and respect > One-sentence insulting review from total stranger. #
- @Mainframe True, Twitter is almost always positive, but nothing pleases everybody, as shown by the occasional bad reviews on iTunes, etc. #
- It's important (but hard) to have a thick skin when putting your stuff out there, but the bad stuff makes me love my fans all the more! 🙂 #
- Of all minor injuries that are annoying out of proportion to their severity, cuts on the knuckle of your index finger rank pretty high. #
- @Shadow_L Agreed! Also very annoying. #
- I'm working! Really! Working on important job stuff! I am NOT looking up E3 and WWDC news! At all! In fact, what are those things? WOOORRK! #
- @planetx Just make sure you keep it away from submarines! #
- Woo! Amazon just shipped my inFamous 2 Hero Edition! Loved the first game, psyched for the second! #
- Waiting for the Sony E3 Press Conference to start, so I can watch for a while before it's time to record @BTWPodcast #
- Caffeine shortage ahead. Expect delays. #
- BoingBoing's Gweek podcast is fun, actually reminds me of Geek Out with @Mainframe but I think I actually like GOWM better. #
- @PhilippaJane Cupcakes are the Omega! #
- When do I get my best, most exciting ideas? ALWAYS when I am trying hardest to finish some OTHER project! Grr! My own brain is against me! #
- @Gutshot It's interesting how Corgi mixes frequently keep the corgi proportions but take coloring, head shape, etc. from the other breed. #
- @comedy4cast Some say spammers should end in fire, others carbonite. What I know of desire, I favor fire. But Carbonite would be all right. #
- @Gutshot I prefer Corgi Classic myself, but there is no questioning the awesomeness of the Si-Corgs. #
- @comedy4cast Exactly. #
- Just realized I haven't had a good sloppy-Joe in AGES… Wait, why does that sound dirty? #
- @mwsmedia I'd been following you since a long time ago. Stupid random Twitter unfollows. :p #
- Going to play inFamous 2 a little before heading out to board game night. Life is tough. #
- Up too late last night, think I may be coming down with something. *makes Frankenstein's Monster noises* #
- "I'm not just the president of the LEGO Hair Club for Sith, I'm also a member!" #
- @hatchingphoenix "Do you find your lack of hair… Disturbing?" #HairClubForSith #
- I just had a bizarre craving for chicken nuggets; brief, but very intense. Like the ghost of a chicken nugget just floated through my brain. #
- .@cdcasey Clearly the most logical explanation. And even after Princess Laya told them the location of the Rebel Coop! #
- .@choochus Nice. #
- Drinking rum and catching up on the Daily Show, and very soon, more inFamous 2! Love that game! It is awesome. #
- Sitting down to see Super 8 at the IMAX. #
- My friend Lee finally signed up for Twitter as @cthukie She is awesome, you should all follow her! #
- RT @mightymur: Our Book Launch Party for Mur Lafferty's Afterlife Series starts in less than an hour! – on my way! #
- @Mainframe I have not seen that, but it does sound interesting. #
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