Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-29

  • Recorded and edited a reading for Escape Pod, and recorded an ep of Watching 100 Movies for "The Apartment" and "The Wild Bunch" Busy day. #
  • Trying to get on HBOGo to watch ep 7 of Game of Thrones, but having trouble connecting. Guess a lot of people with the same idea, eh{? #
  • Sweet! Got through! Game of Thrones ep 7 on @hbogo Still buffeting a bit though. #
  • Was able to watch 10 min of the new ep before the stream cut out on me. @HBOGO having troubles, looks like. Great service generally, but 🙁 #
  • Alright. Giving up on @HBOGo for tonight. I'll be back tomorrow. But I'm disappointed. They didn't have to promise episode 7, but they did. #
  • A little frustrated at the day-job today. Made a mistake which I own up to, but I feel the criticism I've received is out of proportion. #
  • Last minute call for assistance! If you are available and would like to help with the Balticon New media Time Traveler's Ball, let me know! #
  • @etherius @Nobilis @PhilippaJane @greydancer @Podiobooks Agreed. That was a lot of fun. #
  • @dsawyer @Nobilis That's about how it worked, though there were some scheduling swaps, which is why both my episodes are earlier. #
  • @Nobilis @dsawyer Indeed, a chain. I definitely recall a few places that went in way different directions than I'd imagined. 🙂 #
  • @Nobilis @etherius @dsawyer Aye, there's the rub! #
  • @jchutchins A wizard did it! #
  • @jchutchins Actually, if it's a bad thing, I blame gremlins or my little brother. If it's good, I take credit. #
  • Listening to the now-infamous ep of NPR Planet Money about @jonathancoulton. The nay-sayers are really pushing a bizarre straw man argument. #
  • The question was whether or not he has a viable business model, not "Will he completely replace the entire concept of Music Studio Labels?" #
  • Finished watching Ep 7 of Game of Thrones on @HBOGo and it was awesome. 🙂 #
  • Pro-tip: If you've been feeling kind of crappy, check to see if you've been forgetting to take your "Not-Feel-Crappy" medicine. #
  • @MattFnWallace What about the new one that has two separate spots on the label, one for "Cold" and one for "Super-Cold"? (A real thing) #
  • #Balticon is imminent! Yeaahharrghlebah! (Sound of being really excited but not remotely prepared so anxious about packing.) #
  • Note to all owners of human bodies: Sometimes things will happen to your body that you will want to tell others about. Don't. #
  • Twitter is doing something weird with retweets. I get emails that my tweets have been retweeted but don't actually SEE them in Twitter. #
  • @jramboz They look pretty official. If they are phishing, they're pretty slick. Look just like twitter's own email notifications. #
  • @comedy4cast It is specifying actual people that I know and follow. #
  • @womprat99 Hmm could be. Never encountered this before though. #
  • @TonyMast I do now, apparently. #
  • @jramboz I don't mind the emails, just confusing that I don't see the actual tweets. #
  • @digitaldion I think that's the only logical explanation. #
  • I <3 baby corns. #
  • Argh! Work, stay done! Stay! Staaaaayyy! #
  • Sweet! Won a free copy of Total War: Shogun 2 for PC from @DogHouseSystems I've heard great things! #
  • Space Casey Script and Activity book now available on Amazon Marketplace! #
  • @VividMuse Will definitely have them at Balticon! 🙂 #
  • @nuchtchas @VividMuse @choochus @PGHolyfield I have to pick up my Space Casey artist at the airport and will be back to hotel just after 10 #
  • Here at Balticon & unloaded the car. Bad News: I have to get right back in it. Good news: it's to pick up my Space Casey artist at airport! #
  • Awake and showered for first official day of #Balticon Last night's pre-con revelry was way fun too! #
  • For Roto sub, how about bits of Justice League meeting, Monster shopping network Fangstensions and your Brian Blessed Xmas tree thing? #
  • @Gary_TheGreat Yes! Plenty of copies for sale! #
  • Listening to @mightymur read from Playing for Keeps 2 at #Balticon #
  • @comedy4cast Yes, sir! Oh wait, I did it again! Damn! #
  • @SFEley @pgholyfield and I just sat down at the Cinamon tree restaurant. You should join us! JOIN US! #
  • The new hip nickname for @pgholyfield is "Mister Cryptic Tweet". #
  • Quoth @vividmuse "Here's that protein shake I told you about. It's not like sperm." #
  • @geekacres Wanted to join you buy just too early. 🙁 #
  • Brunch with @pcharing @mgcady @MAinPa at #Balticon Soon, heading to help at the Dragon Moon dealer's room. #
  • @indianajim Sorry to hear about that. I sympathize. 🙁 #
  • Hanging out at the Dragon Moon Press table in the Dealer room here at #Balticon #
  • Manning the Dragon Moon dealer table at #Balticon until 6, then iPad panel. #
  • @jramboz I do have some objects which are available for money exchange. #
  • @pcharing Don't think I didn't notice you walk right by me in the Dealer room, Mr. Haring. I see how it is. #
  • Tweeting from my iPad while on the iPad panel at #Balticon #
  • Horror! The bar at #Balticon has been taken over by 20-something normals in suits! #

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