Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06
- A treat for me is "On fedex vehicle for delivery". I shall examine it, and if it is worthy, a treat for all Space Casey fans will follow! #
- It has arrived & looks great! Needs some tweaks but WILL be available by #Balticon ! It is this: #
- @nathanieletc Well, I've been keeping this one a bit secret until it started to finally come together. Expect a formal announcement soon. #
- For those who couldn't see the picture, "It" is a Space Casey Script book with illustrations and activities like crosswords and mazes. #
- @Mainframe As soon as it is finalized, which will be sometime between now and Balticon! #
- @mightymur I think PSN-based Netflix is down for everybody. Should still work on the computer though. #
- Running late today because my alarm clock is just too damn complicated. "What do you mean it has to be 'turned on'?!" #
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