W100M – 90 – Swing Time — 89 – The Sixth Sense
Christiana and Mike discuss their write-in candidates for the AFI’s Top 100 Movies with…
Number 90: Swing Time
Number 89: The Sixth Sense
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I was re-listening to this episode today, and the subject of M. Night’s post-Unbreakable movies came up. In the years since this episode came out, I finally got around to seeing Lady in the Water, and frankly, I liked it. I think it’s very underrated. However, I think I get why it gets lumped in with all the bad Shymalan(sp?) movies. Reason 1 is the mistake of him casting himself as the author. I can’t argue with the egotism involved there, and yeah, there are any number of Indian-American actors he could’ve put in that role who could’ve done as well if not better. Reason 2, and I admit this is just supposition on my part, I think it came out too close to the release date of The Village, so it kind of got caught in the (deserved) backlash for that movie. This is also my theory for why Jersey Girl failed at the box-office; because it came out too soon after Gigli. Jersey Girl is another movie I think doesn’t get enough love. Hell, even it’s own director doesn’t like it as much as I do, which is kind of sad. The last reason, I think the critics who reviewed it were kind of reviewing the wrong movie. By which I mean, they were going in to the film expecting to and in the mind-set to review another supernatural thriller like all his previous either were or were marketed as when what the movie actually was was a fairy tale. In fact the movie is based on a story that M. Night made up for his kids when they were younger, which I think explains why the movie just has more heart to it than Signs, or The Village or *shudder* The Last Airbender. Speaking of which, did you see the Nostalgia Critic review of Last Airbender? That was pretty funny.
P.S. It’s a funny coincidence that my re-listening of Watching 100 Movies brought me to listening to this episode while you’re at DragonCon, when the first time I listened to the episode when it was new was while I was in Atlanta myself for DragonCon 2010.