Nina Kimberly the Merciless Companion Ep 11

Christiana is joined by J. Daniel Sawyer, P.C. Haring, and Richard Green AKA Mainframe for feedback and commentary on the FINALE of Nina Kimberly the Merciless Remastered.

Cybrosis by P.C. Haring
Nobilis Erotica
Down From 10 by J Daniel Sawyer


  • JohnJ says:

    Hi Christiana,

    Congratulations on the the completion of Nina re-mastered. It was just as fun the second time through as the first! I have the print version of the book in a prominent spot on my book shelf.

    I can’t wait to hear/read Nina 2!

  • […] Nina Kimberly the Merciless Companion Ep 11 […]

  • Amber J Eidson says:

    I stumbled across Space Casey, cautiously tried it and absolutely loved it. SC was fun, witty and just generally enjoyable. That led me to Nina Remastered. Okay, first time was not a fluke. Christiana Ellis is a really great storyteller, both in the sense of creating the story and in the literal podcasting. I have not, yet listened to Nina Classic however will say that both of your podcast novels that I have learned our wonderful. Now that this has given me hours of enjoyment I should simply be appreciative however instead I am selfishly begging you for a sequel. Please!

  • Amber J Eidson says:

    P.S. sorry about spelling/grammar issues in my above post. It is late and I am sleepy but I was up late because I had to hear the end of Nina and then went to listen to the companion episode. G’night.