Stories of the Third Wave #14 – “This Seventh City Life”
Mur Lafferty‘s brilliant new superhero novel “Playing for Keeps” comes to print on August 25th from SWARM Press, and on that day, you should buy it from to help her climb the charts. If you haven’t already listened, take it from me that it’s a top-notch story and well worth your time, and on the 25th, your money.
To promote the upcoming release, Mur has called upon the podcast community like a Disney Princess summoning her animal friends. The result? Stories of the Third Wave. The idea is to imagine radio shows or stories set in the Playing for Keeps universe. There have been some fantastic entries on the feed at and
This is my contribution: “This Seventh City Life” is a parody / loving homage to “This American Life” with Ira Glass on NPR. Paul Fischer, from the ADDCast, Balticon Podcast, and the podcast novel “Serve It Cold” joins me to tell the story of an artist working in a city of superheroes.